Friday 10 May 2013

Women in the Workplace

Welcome to my blog! 

The topic I chose to discuss is ‘Women in the Workplace’. I chose this specific topic because it is a subject that I can closely relate to and have strong feelings about. I am in Business Administration at Brock University and am looking forward to a career in business full of challenges and opportunities. It is incomprehensible to me that my success or reward would in any way be limited simply by the fact that I am a woman.

A few things that I will be discussing in my blog are the inequalities that continue to exist, the compensation differences between genders, the different issues within different industries, how women managers are viewed and the views of woman managers. Traditionally, it has been very difficult for women to advance their corporate careers due to the “glass ceiling”. This is a term used to describe the invisible, but very real, barrier that prevents women from reaching senior positions that occupy the top floor of a corporation; an invisible barrier to reaching the top of the corporate ladder. Over time, this barrier has been penetrated many times by exceptional women. However, the glass ceiling has yet to be shattered. There are still a multitude of challenges and preconceptions facing women in the workplace. The “glass ceiling” is still intact. Compensation and opportunity are the central issues. Women are presented with fewer opportunities and when they do manage to attain a senior position they are compensated at a rate that is less than a man in a similar position.

 Corporations, and in fact entire industries, treat genders differently and if you examine specific situations the differences are readily apparent. The differential treatment begins at the recruitment process where structured interviews are systemically tailored toward the selection of men for senior management positions.

Much progress has been made toward the ultimate goal of full equality for women in the workplace. However, anyone who thinks that we have achieved the desired outcome is only fooling themselves. There are still a great number of industries that have traditionally been the domain of men which continue to resist attempts to achieve equality. My blogs will discuss the reasons for continued resistance, how successes to date can be leveraged into further success, and what the benefits are to full equality. Ultimately, we will discuss what it will take to achieve true equality. 

This is a very open topic and I would love input! 

I will touch on these topics and keep up-to-date on current related issues.

Below are some blogs, hashtags, and websites that are related to my topic. Feel free to check them out!

Take care!


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